Edit Webpage Content
Any of the webpages that are listed on the Webpages list page can have their content changed by any user with the Webmaster role.
After clicking on an edit link on either the Webpages list page or the edit button on the bottom of the page, will take you to the Edit page.
Name is the title of the webpage.
Page Slug is the portion of the website address that links to this page. There can be no spaces or special characters in the slug. It should be entirely lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes.
Page Content allows you to modify the content of the webpage. However the information looks within this section will match how the information looks on the webpage itself. Use the content style controls to apply different styles to the page content.
To add an image to the page, click on the image icon on the style controls, and then click the Upload tab in the image pop up window. Click Choose File to select the file, and click Send to server to upload the image. It is automatically inserted into the page for you.
If you click the image you can set image properties, such as the position (left, right, or center) and the size (in pixels).
Click the Update Page button to save your changes.
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